Grameen Bank Introduction

Grameen Bank Introduction

“Grameen Bank” is the inspiring idea that is helping the poor all around the World to take control of their lives. The Banks unique system of operation demands close interaction with the customers. So, when the information department was created it was mainly to aid the central management. Later as the Grameen concept caught on with the world policy makers plight to eradicate poverty, the need came, to replicate the system everywhere. This is the time when the IT department of the Grameen family became a separate identity as a professional system development outfit, called Grameen Communication in 1994.

Under the leadership of Dr. Yunus the Grameen concept has been replicated in 17 countries all around the world. Countries like China, USA, India has now joined the group of satisfied customers of the Grameen Communication’s application development team. The objective and the beauty of any Grameen application is, it’s absolute simplicity of use. Implementation of flexible GUI by a group of process conscious developers, and project managers, has rewarded the Grameen family, with a group of international partners and satisfied customers.

The vision for the future has brought the Grameen Communication into the Internet scenario in 1997. It is now one of the major ISP in Bangladesh, which gives them an added advantage to package and ship their products all around the world. There is a plan to venture the data entry industry to further augment the usage of this connectivity. The vision that the Grameen Communication is pursuing now, is to cultivate the enormous technical human resource potential of Bangladesh, through their professionals and have an organization, that sells, state of the art solutions.

Grameen Communications consists of four distinct departments:

  1. The Software Department
  2. The Hardware Department
  3. The Implementation Department
  4. The Internet Services Department

Software Department: Develop, Implement and Support application software for both inhouse and outside clients.

Hardware Department: Centralized procurement and maintenance as well as the helpdesk support for the entire Grameen family.

Implementation Department: Automating the Grameen Bank process and developing a corporate MIS to better serve the 2 million customers that the Grameen Bank has.

Internet Service Department: ISP working to popularize the use of e-mail and the Internet, in educational institution and rural Bangladesh.

Fourth floor, Grameen Bank Bhaban
Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Tel: 9005350; Fax: 806319
E-mail: [email protected]

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